Friday, August 29, 2008

Last clinic at Engikaret

Nurse Mandy serving at the clinic

Richelle and Shannon at work in the clinic

Dora and Mandy at the clinic

Masaai women and children waiting for medicines at the clinic pharmacy.

Demon possesses woman delivered

Steve preached two services in a church in Arusha. After the first service a demon possessed woman was delivered and led to salvation in the church.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tumiini (Hope) Home

Bob digging ditches

The incinerator

John giving directions

Formal Dedication of School & Medical Clinic

Engikaret pre-school children singing at the dedication

Masaai warriors dancing (jumping) at the dedication.

Masaai women awaiting their time to sing at the dedication.

Tanzanian government officials at dedication ceremony. The District Commissioner brought a message from President Jakaya Kikwete greeting and thanking CTK for what they accomplished (construction of a medical clinic and school) in Engikaret.

Pastor Felix with his interpreter, Bariki, sharing a Bible message at the dedication.

The Masaai children at the dedication.

Shirley planting a ceremonial tree at the dedication.

Ceremonial Presentation

The Masaai cake (given only on special occasions) was presented to the Longido District Commissoner. The goat (cake) had been cooked underground for 10 hours.

The District Commissioner then presented the goat to CTK Team Leader Shirley. Shirley was asked if she wanted to keep the gift or share it. Shirley choose to share the goat with everyone!!!

Felix & Shirley carved the goat and presented a plate of goat meat to the Commissioner.


This is the plaque marking the formal dedication of the medical clinic and school in Engikaret (Masaii Land) funded and built by CTK