Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2008 CTK African Mission Team Members

Please pray daily for each team member

Construction: Curtis Ewing Shannon Farthing Michael Hoffer
Steve Hoffer Bob Gist Dave Ryan
Karl Schouten Pat Schouten Richelle Schouten
Tom Smith

Medical: Dora Carson, Linda Gist Amanda Helfrick Bethany Hoffer Kim Ryan Madison Ryan
Ginger Smith Darlene Van Dyk Sarah Wilmot

Felix Anderson, Team Pastor
Shirley Storm, Team Leader

Full Time Summer Interns in Tanzania: Jackie Stevens, Ginger and Tom Smith


Mackenzie said...

Hello...I am friend of the Schoutens and I am so very excited for this mission trip. I can't wait to keep up with the team and to see the progress made while there. God bless,
Mackenzie Pankratz

MamaSwan said...

Congratulations Schouten Family and everyone else on this trip as well. It's so wonderful to see such great people making such a difference in this world. We are so proud of all of you! Way to go CTK !!!! We'll be praying for you everyday! The Swansons