Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mandy's thoughts...


Loved ones,

Habari? (How are you?) Thank you for your support and prayers throughout our safari (journey) in Africa! The past 13 days have been jam-packed with 4 days of medical outreach clinics, 3+ days of construction, multiple children’s ministry opportunities and a 3-day trip to Kenya. I have been most impacted by the day we spent in Kibera (Nairobi), where we were able to establish to first AWANA club ever to reach the world’s largest slum. We also ran a medical clinic in Kibera, serving over 400 patients in one day! As were were only able to touch a fraction of the people in Kibera with God’s love, please pray with me for the 1.5+ million souls residing there. Pray that Christ’s mercy would pour over the hungry, thirsty, weak, broken, sick, orphaned, HIV positive, AIDS inflicted, sad, widowed, hurting, poor, mentally ill, desperate, shoeless, showerless, hopeless, traumatized, oppressed, unloved, raped, dying, vulnerable, scarred, hardened, tattered, lost, brokenhearted, abused, shunned, and trapped people living in those slums. Pray for hope, pray for healing, and pray for them to experience God’s boundless love today.

MUCH LOVE to you (and many more stories upon my return)!

Quahari (goodbye) for now, and ASANTE SANA (thank you very much) for all of your support. We couldn’t do this without you! Mungu aku bariki! God bless you!



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