Monday, August 25, 2008

Notes from Tom Smith...

(Tom & Ginger spent their entire summer volunteering in Arusha prior to the CTK team's arrival)
The amount of faith in God that He will provide is amazing. Here at YWAM Arusha, they trust in God to provide and He is faithful to them. It's one of those things in life that you can read about it, hear about it, but until you see it in person, you don't comprehend just how much they trust God for everything in their lives.

The most memorable moment was when Jackie, Tervaldi Nosali (leader of YWAM Kilimanjaro Base) and Papa Jason Choi (founder of YWAM Arusha) on a 3 day road trip to 3 Muslim villages in Tonga Province of Tanzania. The last night our campsite was tents on the beach of the Indian Ocean in the village of Mkwaja. Papa Choi read from the Bible, we prayed our loud and then Terevalei led us in singing "Amazing Grace". Four Christians (2 white Americans, 1 Korean and 1 Tanzanian) in a village of 2000 Muslims, 50 yards from their "call to prayer" location. Truely Amazing grace.

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